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Sunday, May 6, 2012

MasterBuilt Butterball Indoor Turkey Deep Fryer

MasterBuilt Butterball Indoor Turkey Deep Fryer

So I bought my Mom one of those fryers for X-mas and we tried it out for the first time on X-mas Eve. This was our first ever deep fried turkey. The fryer was very easy to use, although because of the extremely short cord and nervousness of a possible oil spill (exxon part 2. LOL) we opted to use it in the laundry area. The turkey was really good! Very moist and the injected marinade we tried (a caujin blend) was incredibly spicey! Maybe a bit too much for me. The next day my pressure shot sky high from the salt. So we probably used a bit too much. While this 10lb bird was enough for us, if we had been having company we would have had to do a second bird, that's the only real down side. It does say it can handle a 14lb turkey though the 10 pounder looked like it was JUST getting in there, but even with a 14lb bird it still wouldn't have been enough to feed a large gathering. I did see though there was a DX version of this cooker that says it can handle larger birds, so guess that's an option. All in all definitely worth the price and highly recommended! BTW I bought this off Amazon during one of their holiday lightening deals so I got it for a really good price.


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